5 janv. 2016

memento d'anglais #19

Les mots de novembre en anglais

to be

to be or not to be, that is the question!
Être ou ne pas être, telle est la question !

to break

to break = casser, briser

He broke the glass. = Il cassa le verre.

to call

to call = appeler ou rendre visite (to pay a call)

Call me maybe ;) = Appelle-moi peut-être

to come

to come = venir

They come on Saturday. = Ils viennent samedi.

to drop

to drop = lâcher, faire tomber

Drop it! = Lâche ça !

to fall

to fall = tomber

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles...
Laisse tomber le ciel lorsqu'il s'effrite...

to get

to get = obtenir

Could you get this for me? = Peux-tu obtenir ceci pour moi ?

to give

to give = donner

Give me this. = Donne-le moi.

He gave her his word. = Il lui donna sa parole.

to hang

to hang = pendre, suspendre

Hang your coat at this rack.
Accroche ton manteau à ce porte-manteau.

to have

to have = avoir

I have time. = J'ai le temps.

I have hunger. = J'ai faim.

to keep

to keep = garder

Can I keep it? = Puis-je le garder ?

to live

to live = vivre

Live your life! = Vis ta vie !

to look

to look = regarder

Tell me what you see, when you look at me.
Dis-moi ce que tu vois, lorsque tu me regardes.

to make

to make = faire

This is handmade. = C'est fait main.

to move

to move = bouger

Move your body! = Bouge ton corps.

I move out. = Je déménage.

to pass

to pass = passer

The time passes by. = Le temps passe.

to pick

to pick = choisir, cueillir

Little Red picks flowers for her grandmother.
Le petit chaperon rouge cueille des fleurs pour sa grand-mère.

to put

to put = mettre, poser

Put the book on the table. = Pose le livre sur la table.

to run

to run = courir ou faire fonctionner, diriger

I run in the woods every sunday.
Je cours dans les bois tous les dimanches.

It costs a lot to run this machine.
Cela coûte un bras de faire fonctionner cette machine.

The king runs the country.
Le roi dirige (fait fonctionner) le pays.

to sit

to sit = être assis, s'asseoir

He sits on the bench. = Il est assis sur le banc.

Sit down. = Assieds-toi.

to stand

to stand = être debout

I stand up. = Je me lève. (je me mets debout)

He stands next to the door. = Il est debout près de la porte.

to stick

to stick = coller

I stick the enveloppe with the letter inside.
Je colle (ferme) l'enveloppe avec la lettre à l'intérieur.

to take

to take = prendre

Every breath you take, every move you make.
Chaque inspiration que tu prends, chaque mouvement que tu fais.

Take my hand. = Prends ma main.

to talk

to talk = parler

I'm talking to you. = Je te parle.

Did you talk to her? = Lui as-tu parlé ?

to throw

to throw = lancer, jeter

He throws the ball to his friend.
Il lance la balle à son ami.

to turn

to turn = tourner

Turn around. = Tourne en rond, fais demi-tour

to walk

to walk = marcher

I'm walking away. = Je m'en vais. (en marchant)

< #7 to fluency and beyond | to fluency and beyond #9 >

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